Game Designer Postmortem - Riley Seufert

Hello, this is Riley or this games Game Designer. I had a lot of fun with the project outside of my technical difficulties and my learning GitHub causing hiccups.    

Our game is an infinite runner that has platforms to jump to that either slow you down or completely stop you and the objective is to get as high a score as possible, my job was to make said platforming not only fun but fair and look like more than just jumping on squares in the void. My plan was to spend 21 hours within 3 weeks to get said platforms along side additional items like the background blocked out and set dresses by our punishment day. As said,  I was learning GitHub and had my work get deleted a few times which delayed the project and is why some, but not all, platforms are set dressed. To make up for this my 21 hours got turned into over 30.    

I leaned a ton about working in a group in this field as I am used to solo projects, I also really like the work that my fellow creators have made, and I love how it all came together.  


Get Electric Funeral

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